Budapest Airport is prepared for the restart of traffic
For several months now, Budapest Airport has been in continuous exchange with its airline partners and other airports around the globe to learn, create and roll out best practices for handling the smooth and safe return of meaningful passenger traffic to the airport, while adhering to all existing and potential future regulations.
The airport operator is drawing up plans involving several difference scenarios on how the airport will operate safely in practical terms, from a healthcare perspective as well, even with a high level of passenger traffic.
These plans include the utilization of airport premises, the introduction of new technologies and the expansion of the existing coronavirus test center.
Meanwhile, Budapest Airport Zrt. will continue to cooperate closely with its airline and ground handling partners, and is ready to facilitate the restart of passenger traffic with the required locations and digital infrastructure, in line with global practice.
Budapest Airport is doing everything it can to rebuild traffic to the 2019 level as soon as possible, but this is primarily dependent on the travel regulations introduced by the various countries, the availability and efficiency of vaccines and testing and the level of inoculation.
The airport operator awaits the gradual return of passenger traffic with a safe and refurbished environment and even higher service quality, leading to a speedy recovery, given the attractiveness of Budapest and Hungary to travelers and the outstanding airline marketing activities of the specialists at Budapest Airport.